There are some remarkable Welsh Terrier conformation and performance titleholders in multiple classes and systems, but “Piper” did both at the highest level. She was a conformation champion at the age of 10 months, completing her majors in two weekends under Judge Richard Powell, and finishing over specials. She was a Multiple Specialty Best of Breed, a Canadian conformation champion, and the mother of conformation champions.
“Piper” won eight Master Agility Championships and was a seven-time qualifier for both the AKC Agility Invitational and National Agility Championship. She held a Master Barn Hunt title, and was only three scores shy of her championship when her health necessitated her retirement.
An AKC TopDog in Agility, “Piper” was last ranked 2nd in Agility PACH Competition for Welsh Terriers with 2,350 Points, 57 Double Q’s, and a Score of 2,920; and ranked 7th in Agility MACH Competition for Welsh Terriers with 5,262 Points, 120 Double Q’s, and a Score of 6,462.*
Above all her titles, “Piper” was Esther Snowden’s most loyal companion. She passed over the Rainbow Bridge in October, 2018, one month after the original “The Welsh Terrier Record Holders” article was published in The Canine Chronicle in September, 2018.
*AKC TopDogsSM in Agility MACH and PACH Competitions for Welsh Terriers, Considering All Dates of MACH Competition, But Limited To Events Processed through September 9, 2022.