There are some remarkable Welsh Terrier performance titleholders in multiple classes and systems, but impressively, since 2001, Linda Brisbin has owned and competed with the Top Three AKC Agility Welsh Terriers, each earning successive multiyear positions as the Number One Welsh Terrier Agility Dog in America:
All three of Linda Brisbin’s dogs were ranked #1, 2, 3 AKC Agility Welsh Terriers in 2007 and 2008.
Sadly, “Zachary” passed over the Rainbow Bridge in October, 2018, shortly after the publication of the original “The Welsh Terrier Record Holders” article in The Canine Chronicle, September, 2018. Brisbin is now competing with AGCH MACH5 WYSIWYG TROUBLE HAS ARRIVED MXG2 PDG MJG2 PJS MFS TQX T2B5 CGC TKN, “Patrick,” the first Welsh Terrier to become the AKC Agility Grand Champion, and a youngster, MACH Rangel’s We’re In Trouble MXS MJS MFS TQX TOX T2B3 CGCA TKA, “Gregory.” Cheers to Linda with “Gregory,” likely to follow in his brothers’ paw prints.
*AKC TopDogsSM in Agility MACH Competition for Welsh Terriers, Considering All Dates of MACH Competition, But Limited To Events Processed through September 9, 2022.